
Natural non figurative art

Gentle waves makes art of the sailboats moored at the neighboring pantheon
Gentle waves makes art of the sailboats moored at the neighboring pantheon

Returning to the cockpit, from a stroll down the busy quay of Son, I found myself absorbed by the sailboat masts playing on the water mirror.

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Latitude: 59° 31.409 N
Longitude: 10° 40.937 E

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Chart data ©Kartverket.

Season kick-off

Sunset over Hurum
Sunset over Hurum
Tight living conditions...
Tight living conditions in Drøbak

2016 sailing season kick-off, first taste of summer and a looooong weekend all aligned this year.

Our first stop was Drøbak. This is the second year, in a row, we end up here during a long weekend in May. So, it is time to declare it a tradition.

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Latitude: 59° 39.558 N
Longitude: 10° 37.688 E

Click chart to view larger scope, or here for an even larger scope in a separate window.

Chart data ©Kartverket.

After Holmsbu comes Son

Unrelated picture of a museum in Son
Unrelated picture of a museum in Son

The excitement in visiting Son revolves around two subjects. One is, what new rules and regulations have the guest harbor authorities come up with this year.  The other is, what new cuisine, if any, do we find in Thornegården. Well, this year it appears last years newcomer, a tapas restaurant, disappeared only a few days ago. As for the guest harbor rules, they are just getting more confusing, which might explain why arriving yachts swirl around the place a lot before settling on where to dock.

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Latitude: 59° 31.44 N
Longitude: 10° 41.057 E

Click chart to view larger scope, or here for an even larger scope in a separate window.

Chart data ©Kartverket.

Another summer cruise ‘must’

Holsbu guest-harbor
Holmsbu guest harbor

Holmsbu has become the second ‘must’ stop on our summer cruise. I might have mentioned a certain shrimp sandwich in earlier entries. In fact, I was planing to take a picture for the blog, but the moment the sandwich was placed in front of me, my brain switched from blog mode to eat mode. Maybe next time…

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Latitude: 59° 33.67 N
Longitude: 10° 25.497 E

Click chart to view larger scope, or here for an even larger scope in a separate window.

Chart data ©Kartverket.


Sunset in Åsgårdstrand
Sunset in Åsgårdstrand

A while since we have been here. Last time, the new guest harbor was established but not finished, no water or shore power. Now it is all finished. In nice weather, this is a beautiful place.

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Latitude: 59° 21.02 N
Longitude: 10° 28.349 E

Click chart to view larger scope, or here for an even larger scope in a separate window.

Chart data ©Kartverket.


View from Papperhavn, and a beautiful evening in the making

When we set out it was miserable weather. When we arrived the rain had cleared and later it turned into a beautiful evening at this charming old fishing-boat harbor.

Fresh shrimps
Fresh shrimp

The charm-scale peaked when the “harbor-master,” an old guy that oversaw the disused fishing-boat dock, gave us a load of freshly caught shrimp.

However balance was soon restored. A westerly wind will send waves into the bay and beat the boat against the dock. This we learned during the night.

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Latitude: 59° 6.282 N
Longitude: 10° 50.543 E

Click chart to view larger scope, or here for an even larger scope in a separate window.

Chart data ©Kartverket.

Rather convenient

Dockside restaurant in Hankøsundet
Dockside restaurant in Hankøsundet

We spent a couple of lazy days in Hankøsundet. It has become a ‘must’ stop for our summer cruise and it was a pleasant relief from the waves on the seaside of Hankø.

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Hankø Marina

Latitude: 59° 12.824 N
Longitude: 10° 47.289 E

Click chart to view larger scope, or here for an even larger scope in a separate window.

Chart data ©Kartverket.

Vega Gamleby

"Vega Gamleby" of Sweden
“Vega Gamleby” of Sweden

Overtaking “Vega Gamleby”, with a little help of fossil-power, after being in her wake since Drøbak.

Chart thumb


Latitude: 59° 48.351 N
Longitude: 10° 34.752 E

Click chart to view larger scope, or here for an even larger scope in a separate window.

Chart data ©Kartverket.