Tag Archives: Papper

Images of Papper

Papper havn
The picturesque channel that splits Papperøy form Vesterøy. Papperøy on the far side.
The picturesque channel that splits Papperøy form Vesterøy. Papperøy on the far side.
Dramatic skies, with a thunderstorm brewing in the north.
Dramatic skies – with a thunderstorm brewing in the north.
Chart thumb


Latitude: 59° 6.282 N
Longitude: 10° 50.543 E

Click chart to view larger scope, or here for an even larger scope in a separate window.

Chart data ©Kartverket.


View from Papperhavn, and a beautiful evening in the making

When we set out it was miserable weather. When we arrived the rain had cleared and later it turned into a beautiful evening at this charming old fishing-boat harbor.

Fresh shrimps
Fresh shrimp

The charm-scale peaked when the “harbor-master,” an old guy that oversaw the disused fishing-boat dock, gave us a load of freshly caught shrimp.

However balance was soon restored. A westerly wind will send waves into the bay and beat the boat against the dock. This we learned during the night.

Chart thumb


Latitude: 59° 6.282 N
Longitude: 10° 50.543 E

Click chart to view larger scope, or here for an even larger scope in a separate window.

Chart data ©Kartverket.